High Definition Construction LLC will be accepting bid proposals for the above referenced project. Bids must be received by no later than 11/29/2023 at 12:00 PM. Bids received after this date and/or time will not be accepted and will be returned unopened to the sender.
The purpose of this project is renovation for elementary school occupation. Key components of this project include:
Architectural, General, Structural, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical
If you are interested in submitting a bid, it should be delivered to the name and address listed below in a sealed envelope
Labeled as follows:
High Definition Construction LLC
6724 N Martin Luther King Ave
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111
Bid Submission Attn: Mario Long
Interested bidders MUST attend a mandatory site visit. Visit will be scheduled on 11/1/2023 at Millwood Public School, 6700 N Martin Luther King Ave, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111 at 11:00 am. Bidders are not allowed to visit worksite outside of mandatory site visit due to school being in session.
Bids must be prepared and submitted using the bid forms provided and must be typed or printed and then signed in ink. All bid forms and specifications of work needed can be accessed using the following URL: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/k6z50qpvhi9samlygtunv/h?rlkey=7szn3m0gj90zx0qrn6godna9b&dl=0
All bids received by the deadline shall be reviewed by Mario Long. Any questions regarding the bids should be submitted to Mario Long by email at Hdconstruction.design@gmail.com. Questions and answers will be added to the provided dropbox URL for review. All bids must include all requested work items, conform to the project standards/specifications and be responsive, accurate, and cost reasonable. High Definition Construction LLC will select the contractor to perform all work required and the contract will be executed between High Definition Construction LLC and the winning contractor.